28 Oct The ‘outstanding’ North Staffordshire school where ambitious staff help kids thrive

The ‘outstanding’ North Staffordshire school where ambitious staff help kids thrive.
Story written by Gary Porter from Stoke-on-Trent Live
A Biddulph school where children “thrive” thanks to “highly ambitious” staff is celebrating after being given the top rating from Ofsted inspectors. The education watchdog has judged Oxhey First School to be ‘Outstanding’ following a two-day inspection.
It was the Pennine Way school’s first Ofsted visit since it converted to academy status in 2019. It was previously rated ‘Good’ before becoming part of The Children First Learning Partnership.
Oxhey, which caters for 234 pupils, was visited on September 26 and 27. The recently-published Ofsted report states: “”Staff are highly ambitious for all pupils. They want every pupil to achieve their full potential. One pupil told inspectors that Oxhey First School ‘is a great place to learn and grow up’ – inspectors agree. The school has high expectations of everyone.
“Staff expect pupils to try hard and achieve well. All pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), live up to these expectations. Furthermore, the curriculum is well-planned and is taught very well. All of this means pupils make excellent progress.
“Pupils behave exceptionally well during lessons and at playtimes. They listen with interest and support each other well in their learning. Pupils are eager to learn new things and talk with enthusiasm to visitors about their work. Pupils are rightly proud of their school and would recommend it to others. The vast majority of parents and carers share this view.”
The inspection team has hailed the school for designing “an ambitious, exciting curriculum that is rich in opportunities”. The report adds: “This school is highly aspirational for all pupils.
“Leaders show a determination to include every pupil and prepare them fully for their next stages of education and beyond. All decisions that leaders make are sharply focused on what is best for the pupils. Leaders have carefully sequenced the knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn in each subject.
“Over time, teachers ensure that pupils revisit things they have learned previously. This is helping pupils to build a rich body of subject knowledge that they can use and apply in their learning. When pupils struggle, teachers swiftly provide extra help.
“Reading is a high priority. This begins as soon as children start in Nursery. Adults immerse children in stories and rhymes. These strong foundations prepare children well as they move into Reception and beyond. Staff are well trained to deliver the phonics programme. As a result, pupils quickly become fluent readers.
“Staff take the time to get to know each child well. They use this knowledge of each individual pupil effectively. They use it to tailor activities that maximise engagement and progress. As a result, children develop excellent learning behaviours with high levels of concentration and resilience.
“The school has high expectations for pupils with SEND. Pupils’ needs are quickly and accurately identified. Staff adapt learning and extra-curricular activities so that pupils with SEND can access them. These pupils make strong progress and participate fully in school life.
“Those responsible for governance are very well informed and committed to their roles. They provide highly effective challenge and support to leaders to help make the school the successful place it is.”