Governance Structure
The Governance Structure of the Children First Learning Partnership multi-academy trust
In a multi-academy trust (MAT), a single trust is responsible for a number of schools. The MAT consists of the Members and the Trustees/Directors. An academy trust is a legal entity. It is the direct employer of staff and the holder of land titles. An academy trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee. An academy trust must have both Members and Directors.
Members are the subscribers to the Trusts memorandum of association. They have an overview of governance arrangements of the Trust and have the power to appoint or remove Directors.
Only the Members have the right to amend the articles of association and are responsible for ensuring the MAT Board of Directors are compliant.
Click here for more information ›
The Director Board’s powers are delegated to them by the Members. They are responsible for controlling the management and operation of the Trust.
Please click here for the Directors’ Terms of Reference>
Directors are responsible for overviewing each school budget ensuring that the Trust is solvent, well run and that the academies are delivering the standards required. We have a specific sub-committee which has the expertise to provide the depth of financial scrutiny required to identify risk, (both financial and non-financial) to enable the Board to fulfil its duties to the highest standards. This is known as the Finance Audit Resource and Risk Committee (FARRC).
Please click here to read the Finance Audit Resource and Risk Committee Terms of Reference ›
Directors are responsible for overviewing each school’s budget and appointing the governors in the Local Advisory Boards (LABs).
The most effective governance models recognise that in order for the Members to hold the Directors to account, there needs to be some separation between those serving as Directors and those serving as Members. There should be a Director who acts as a bridge between the Members and the Directors. Similarly, in terms of accountability there needs to be separation between Directors and members of each of the Local Advisory Boards.
Click here for more information ›
Directors’ Skills Audit Matrix 2024
Directors-Skills-Matrix-Feb-2024 ›
Analysis of Directors’ Skills Audit and Chair’s Recommendations 2024
Directors-Skills-Audit-Review-Feb-2024 ›
Attendance at Meetings
Y–Attended, A–Apologies Sent & Accepted, N–Did Not Attend, X–Not a Member of the Committee
Directors Meeting 2024-2025
Members Meeting Attendance Record 2024-2025
Finance, Audit, Resource and Risk Committee Meeting Attendance Record 2024-2025